Earth Nation Executive Summary
The Earth Nation (EN) is a decentralized autonomous alliance consisting of individuals, for benefit businesses, non-dogmatic churches, spiritual organizations, and intentional communities that are actively embodying a New Paradigm culture of wellness, purpose filled connection and fun. The EN has been growing for 8 years. Many of the organizations within the alliance were formed 10-40 years ago.
We are an international alternative to non-consensual government. Consisting of a 3 body voting system purposed to utilize collective intelligence and decentralized group decision making processes to distribute Equality Keys, a EN-controlled cryptocurrency, along with other pooled resources for the purpose of creating the highest possible positive impact for our people and planet.
The Earth Nation consists of 17 Keys Voteholders, 5 Center Coordinators, and 35 Invested Parties. Many of our people own and operate at least one business, intentional community, or non-profit organization. About half of our people own and operate numerous organizations.
We are currently 231 proposals into our process. An estimated 200,000 USD in easily liquidatable currencies have been pooled and invested along with an estimated 40,000,000 USD worth of land, infrastructure, and currencies have also been invested/traded. About 12.2 million Equality Keys have been distributed. Our primary land holdings are in Ecuador, Costa Rica, Missouri, California, Oregon and Ghana. Currently spanning over 12,000 acres with enough infrastructure for several hundred people and 11 communities in active development. You can see information on some of our properties here.
Previous projects include growing several food forests, building two tiny villages, repairing one large village, coding a custom voting platform, making an online store, developing software intelligence systems, animated videos, online academies, designing interactive experiences, going on festival tours, developing communities, hosting mastermind events, running international and USA funds, managing online talk shows and marketing campaigns for a plethora of EN aligned causes.
Click here for our main website.
We are currently working with headsmen of the Sioux Nation and with the New Haven Native American Church, a officiated extension of the Sioux Nation in order to establish the Earth Nation as a Recognized Sovereign Nation with our own jurisdictions, taxes, courts, schools, medical care, ect.
The Earth Nation currently has no official legal form (We are a movement, like the Green Movement) and the Government facet of the EN utilizes the Flower of Life Society and other church entities when the Earth Nation Government itself needs to interact with Traditional Paradigm entities.
Our next evolution with the EN is focused on greatly enhance our individual and collective regular income streams prior to going for higher levels of recognition through the Sioux Nation. Our primary plan for developing these streams is two-fold.
1. Invest into EN-Allied profitable companies that are solving systemic problems by using advanced technology through the EarthCycle fund.
2. Expand our teams of Ambassadors and collective evermore ethical, healthy, and sustainable products and services for our Ambassadors to represent for commissions.